Friday, December 5, 2008

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment @ Homesglen TAFE - Assessment - Day 2


Competency Based Assessment

"Don't judge what I can do based on what you think I can't."

Principles of competency - based assessment:

  • Validity
  • Reliability
  • Fairness
  • Flexibility

Rules of evidence:

  • Valid
  • Sufficient
  • Authentic
  • Current

Things to think about

  • In a training package, you must assess critical aspects.
  • You can measure a students attitude with employabilty skills.
  • Trainers should be preparing students for behavioral interviews.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment @ Homesglen TAFE - Training Packages - Day 1

Day 1 - Training packages and design and develop learninf programs

I always forget teachers are the worst students.

Here is list of useful links that only relate to this subject.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Application For Responsibility

I am going to apply for a specialist position next year. I've always felt really awkward writing these application documents. Baring all, this what I'm thinking of submitting. Please leave me feedback or email me at

Why have you applied forthe position?

I am interested in the E Curriculum position in 2009 to broaden my teaching and learning areas of expertise. I have always been interested in education technologies and using them in and outside of the classroom. Working with colleagues to help improve their learning and teaching is also something I am interested in exploring.

What skills or attributes do you bring to the position?

I am a young self directed and enthusiastic educator interested in exploring new technologies. I am interested in helping colleagues adapt and learn about new technologies which, can inform their own pedagogy. I also have skills in web design, blogging, podcasting, and understanding and utilisation of web 2.0 technologies.

Having read the specific duties, what ideas/strategies would you employ in 2009 to create a culture of high expectations for teachers and students alike: Teacher and Student learning

I would like to implement Podcasting into the school. Podcasting can provide students learning opportunities in ways in which traditional may not. Podcasts can be listened to on a computer, transferred onto a MP3 player or iPod, and even a mobile phone that can play audio files! Students can access them online at home or at school. I plan to implement a structure that would allow teachers to create podcast content that students could access. Teachers can utilize this technology to engage students out of the classroom, with new and or extra content in their curriculum. There are also many podcasts available for students and for teacher’s professional development. Incorporating a podcast library into the school, were students and teachers can access and download podcasts onto their own devices is something that can be explored. I also intend to explore ePotential ICT Capabilities Resource in supporting teachers developing their skills to integrate ICT into their classrooms, and gain understanding of the Ultranet is a student centered electronic learning environment.
I would also like to explore Wikispaces with teachers. Wikispaces let groups of people create and edit simple web pages focused around a community. Wikispaces are a great way to engage students, share resources and promote communication and collaboration. The creating, editing and use of online Wikispaces for use in and out of the classroom can be. Individual classes or subjects can have online spaces for sharing of information.

Professional learning

Along with teaching the basic skills of Podcasting and Wikispaces, I am interested in teachers learning how to incorporate the use of blogging into their own practice. A more professional writing tool than that of Wikispaces, blogging is a great way to document ideas, discuss professional development and interact with professional educators all around the world. A blog is a web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. A blog is a great way to document the critical reflection, exploration and expansion of professional knowledge and practice online. It can be used as evidence gathering tool for VIT. You can find my professional development blog at
I would also like to explore and give an understanding of Web 2.0 technologies for teachers to use in the classroom.Most web 2.0 sites allow you as the user to make your content and interact with other people. Online technologies are freely available to all teachers and students. There is a myriad of uses, for them that could be explored.

Administrative Duties

I would ensure that the e curriculum network is maintained and students and teachers alike have access and are confident with technology in their learning and teaching. I will liaise with technicians, School Council and prepare all relevant administrative documents such as budgets and site licenses, and use and abuse of the network, including cyber bullying.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Certificate IV In Training And Assessment Enrollment.

I have enrolled into a Certificate IV In Training And Assessment - TAA40104-OC course @ Homesglen TAFE in December. I am going to be claiming Recognition of Prior Learning for most of the course. I am doing this as it is a standard of the AQTF that all trainers have this qualification.The modules are as such are :

  • Plan And Organise Assessment
  • Assess Competence
  • Develop Assessment Tools
  • Participate In Assessment Validation
  • Provide Training Through Instruction And Demonstration Of Work Skills
  • Plan And Organise Group-based Delivery
  • Facilitate Group-based Learning
  • Facilitate Individual Learning
  • Facilitate Work-based Learning
  • Use Training Packages To Meet Client Needs
  • Design And Develop Learning Programs
  • Work Effectively In Vocational Education And Training
  • Foster And Promote An Inclusive Learning Culture
  • Ensure A Healthy And Safe Learning Environment

What's been happening?

I was offered a full time job, but unfortunately declined as I feel I need to further explore the job I have currently.

My year 12's had their VET Multimedia exam, and claimed that is was "pretty easy."

Year 11 and 12 Multimedia were marked and sent out.

We prepared for the audit. We were audited.

The first years had their assessment.

We had the Graduate Exhibition @ Glen Eira, Town Hall. The show is on until the 16th November.

I enrolled into a Certificate IV In Training And Assessment - TAA40104-OC course. I will undertake it in December.

I enjoyed the first round of work Xmas parties on the weekend, and celebrated in style with The Art Centre crew.

Pretty much all in a week. Too many holidays for teachers? With a workload like this? Not enough I say.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As the audit of the AQTF standards, draws closer things are getting even busier around here as student assessment begins. The first and second years participate in a final folio review for the year. It is the culmination of their years work embodied in a professional photographic folio presentation.

I enjoy this part of their year because it is a physical representation of the technical knowledge and the cultural experience we provide here. Alas, it is a little draining this year as we all have other things on our minds.

The audit is next Wednesday@ 9:30am. The preceding day is a public holiday in Australia. The Wednesday night is our graduate exhibition.

It's going to be very hectic.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Audits and Assessments.

It's been a couple of weeks now since I last posted. It has been a busy time, with assessment happening in most areas of the school.

In the next couple of weeks, the courses I am involved in are both being audited. As the preparation and understanding is quite exhausting, I may have things that I document here. Or maybe I might just be fed up with the whole process.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Activities List.

The following is a list of other school activities that I have been involved in or attended during the first half of 2008:
PIC Photographic Imaging College Staff Meetings
Hawthorn Secondary College - VET Multimedia Staff Meetings
Hawthorn Secondary College - 2008 VET Curriculum Planning Meetings
Removal Of Staff Room, before renovations
Staff Corridor Show
2nd Year Show @ Brightspace gallery
S.R.C. End Of Term BBQ
Annual Photographic Camp to the Otways
Student counseling
VET Report writing
Excursion to NGV
PIC Sound and Image Night
HSC Art Show
The following is a list of activities I have had co-ordinated:
Conducted formalized interviews of applicants to the college
Liaison with S.R.C and planning and production of events.
Assisted in planning and production of off campus workshops.
Helped, plan, prepare and run the annual camp.
Updates and contributions to the college Blog
Updates and contributions to the college Myspace
Updates and contributions to the college website.
Updates and contributions to the college facebook website.
Plan, prepare and ran folio excursion to National Gallery Of Victoria.
Planned, ran, and kept minutes for the Photographic Imaging College Staff meetings.
Kept minutes for the Hawthorn Secondary VET Multimedia Staff Meetings.
Facilitated the pre-production of The photographic Imaging Podcast
Production of college promotion, publicity, exhibition, of the Sound and Image Night
Updated and maintained information and records on College Database

Teaching Other Teachers.

On numerous occasions, I've been called upon to help update the skills of colleagues. Usually it is reciprocal process, and everyone comes out learning a new skill. This year, we gained a new colleague only to loose her and to gain another. Both staff were employed to fill the role of VET Year 11 classroom teacher and neither have taught the subject before. This is not uncommon as you will find most teachers move outside of their subject areas to fill voids in the schools timetable. In effect, I have helped two colleagues learn the VET multimedia subject curriculum twice over.

As much as it is time consuming, it does reinforce and give time for reflection over the current curriculum and the way we deliver it.

On Thursday, I delivered a Keynote presentation to an audience of seven, using images mainly made up of student examples of back up and finished works. The reception was great, teachers commenting on the ideas in the keynote and note the keynote itself .(It did look pretty slick)

My presentation was an overall guide to how we deliver the content. We then asked our guest to show one unit of work, and the back up material. It was great seeing other teaching ideas within the curriculum. Next year, the VET Multimedia diploma changes, so once again we will have to re-evaluate and re-write how we deliver the content.

VIT has this to say about delivering PD to other teachers.

"While preparing to deliver professional development to colleagues a teacher is usually reflecting on, exploring and expanding their professional knowledge and sometimes their practice. In this circumstance, the preparation would be counted because it contributes to the teacher's own knowledge and practice."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Web Design From Scratch.

In doing some research for resources I've come across this website dedicated to web design. "Web Design From Scratch," has got some great stuff about Web 2.0 design, which I'm really interested in. It's a common question coming from students now;

"How do I make my website look like [Insert Web 2.0 businness name]?"

This page in particular looks at all the ideas, that make up the web 2.0 design style. I've even bookmarked this page on my iPhone so I can access it quickly.

Monday, September 15, 2008

PD Preparation.

Shift-Command-3 - Screen grab on OSX.

Shortcut Of The Week!

I'm not prepared enough for my VET Multimedia presentation on Thursday yet. I was hoping to get more written in preparation today, but I was quite busy with students assessment and working in our digital lab as the students prepare for their end of year folio. Monday is also our weekly staff meeting, which ran quite quickly and to the point today.

So.. the kicker of my PD will be... DIGITAL NOTES!... on CD!

High school teachers get confused when they don't have paper in their hands, so I wonder how this will go.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The PD for the RTO for VET @ HSC.

So.. let's get into this slowly...

Next Thursday I will be running my own and first Professional Development (PD). Due to the school where I work being a Registered Training Organization (RTO), we auspice a certain amount of schools delivering the same program as us. A part of the service we provide as an auspice school is support and training to these other schools. So it means, my shining pedagogy (damn it, that's a totally of 2 times used) will be on display to others.

The curriculum is a part of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector of the Victorian state school education system. The subject is Multimedia, so I'll be putting together an exciting, vibrant, dazzling powerpoint KEYNOTE presentation. In fact, to blow them away.. I think I'm even going to use, two projectors!!! TWO PROJECTORS! One will run the keynote, the other will have the live interactive student work.

Below is the light table view of keynote slides. I don't do "powerpoints." Being a visual artist before I was a teacher, I'd rather use the keynote visually and image filled, rather than pointless words that you repeat as you speak. The images are mainly made up of student examples of back up and finished works.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

PD Online.

No.. It's not the Victorian Institute of Teaching's online professional development initiative, PDi, it is my own effort to document this crazy processes, we call teaching and how we endeavor to be life long learners.

This will be a place for my own evidence and musings.

P.s. I am never going to use the word Pedagogy.