Monday, June 15, 2009

PIC PD - June 15 - Vibrance

A little mystery was explained for me today. Ian Lobb from Free Gamma explained the Vibrance slider from Raw Processor and CS4 clearly.

Vibrance is meant to move up things that are saturated without affecting things that already are saturated.

Something that was also interesting;

Smart objects allow you to turn to filters into adjustment layers and you can build masks into them.

Also the idea of using 2 Exclusion layer styles, merge them, then find edges to create a Sharpness mask, was also very interesting. I think all of these things can be passed onto the students.

Your pictures need IMPACT.
was quite amusing.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday June 1st 2009

Today I joined the Principal and the Vice Principal to discuss the new website at the school with web designer Jin Wang.

Jin showed us a mock representation of what the web site would look like. Sleek, simple and very user friendly is how I would describe what I saw. The major problem that schools have is keeping an up to date, and professional looking website. The website Jin is creating will be a content management system which will allow us to update the website easily and simply. I am looking forward to the final product as it will be a positive addition to the college.

I have received information about the network audit we are going to have at the college to identify and advance. The company performing the audit is EspireIt.


With regards to the audit to be performed at the college we will be able to start these works from Friday the 12th June. Reason for starting on the Friday is so that we can also have your current TSSP present to answer any questions and provided any details which may be required. We will then be able to continue the audit on the Monday / Tuesday of the following week.

To prepare for this audit can you please gather all the current details and documentation you have which will be required such as IP address, usernames and passwords for Servers, firewalls and any other relevant hardware software on site. This information will need to be gather or stored somewhere..

As discussed if you don’t have any documentation or network maps we are able to design these for you but they will be at extra cost.

Best regards,

Managing Director"

I am attended a PD on Thursday - S228-2009 eLearning Planning - Intel® Teach Leadership Forums.

"The forums will focus on how to promote, model and support technology in learning and the elements for successful eLearning planning. Participants will examine leadership behaviours, best practices and the latest resources. There will also be opportunities for hands-on learning about Web 2.0 technologies, including social networking, wikis and blogs."

In Photography college news, I will unfortunately miss the 2009 Second Year exhibition opening as I will be away for the Queens Birthday long weekend. I will have to catch the show when I get back.